Saturday, April 23, 2011

Terrible Idea: Not Planning Ahead

I always like to sleep as much as possible before class.  I don't want to interrupt the great dream I am usually having.

I roll over casually to look at my clock and see what time it is.  Class starts at 10:30 so I want to wake up with enough time to shower, brush my teeth, lose my car keys.  Sure enough, I only have ten minutes until I need to be there.

Thus, I am rudely awakened (literally and figuratively) when I find out I am late.

I am never on time.  I just can't do it.  I just imagine Father Time shaking his head judgmentally at me.  Every day of my life.

 Whatever man.  Get a job.

Anyway, I scramble (like eggs) and try to get all of my things together for the day.  I race up to class.  Luckily, my car is super fast and trusty so this only takes WAY LONGER THAN IT IS SUPPOSED TO.

 Now, I never plan ahead.  I need something printed out for my first class and refused to take care of this ahead of time.  

I sprint to the computer lab.  I have ONE MINUTE.  Thus, there is no choice but to address the sudden increase in personal threat level.

 It is only after I arrive at a computer do I realize how screwed I truly am.  First I must log-in.  Username.  Password.  Security question.


The computer loads.  I panic.


Now I must open Firefox, download my file, open it in word and then print it out.

Easier said than done.

Firefox is always a little bitch and takes a good two minutes to load.

Firefox my ass.  More like liarfox.

Firefox OPENED.  File dowloadinggggggg....


NOW I have to open Microsoft Word...

Worst.  Thing.  Ever.

 I panic.  Again.


FINALLY I get my paper printed.  And sprint down to class to proudly turn in my scholarly reflection.

In the end, I experience another pointlessly stressful encounter that could have been solved by me planning ahead.  I can only think of my Dad in times like this who always has some profound piece of advice or gem about life to give me.

Rule #76: No excuses, play like a champion.

Either plan ahead or plan adead


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